Benefits of a Zone Control Heating and Cooling System
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Benefits of a Zone Control Heating and Cooling System

There’s a common saying, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” But just because something merely works doesn’t mean it’s always the best solution. For instance, while a central heating or cooling system is the tried-and-true approach, you could enjoy extra benefits that come with a newer zone controlled system.

In this article, we’ll cover the advantages of a zoned control heating and cooling system.

Central versus zone control

Typically, when we think of a home’s heating or cooling, we think of a central system. With this method, there is one main unit (furnace or conditioning) that evenly distributes hot or cold air through a network of ducts to spaces around the house. There is also a single thermostat that sets the temperature for the entire system. So if everything is set up properly, each room or space should be at the same temperature (or close to it).

Now, let’s look at how a zone control system works. Instead of the whole house being treated the same, different rooms or spaces can be divided into separate zones. Then each zone gets its own thermostat. There’s also a central control panel that alters the hot or cold air flow to each zone. So the idea is that you can change the thermostat in one zone without affecting the temperature in another.

Benefits of zone control

There are many reasons to switch to a zoned control heating or cooling system in your home.

  • Individualized comfort – Each member of the home can choose their ideal temperature. No more fighting over the thermostat!
  • Energy savings – You don’t have to waste money heating or cooling a room that doesn’t get used very often.
  • More consistent temperatures – In many homes, it’s common to have hot or cold spots. These can be caused by sunlight, drafty windows, or a room being far from the HVAC unit. A zoned approach can be used to eliminate these hot or cold spots.
  • Longer unit service life – If set up properly, a zoned system puts less wear and tear on your furnace or air conditioning. This should extend the service life on the unit, saving you even more money!

HVAC installation in Fredericksburg

If your heating or cooling system is due for a replacement, or you’re looking for a smart way to make your home more comfortable or energy-efficient, then consider zone control. If you have any questions, reach out to the expert team at Robert B. Payne We’re here to make your home cozy all year long. Send us a message or call us today at (540) 373-5876.

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