Get Ready for Winter with a Seasonal Heater Tune-Up
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Get Ready for Winter with a Seasonal Heater Tune-Up

As summer slips away, many homeowners find themselves facing long to-do lists as they prepare for winter.  One important task that many people overlook is seasonal heating system maintenance.  People who have not yet had a visit from a Fredericksburg seasonal heater tune-up specialist should call Robert B. Payne to get help from an expert before winter arrives.

Tune-Ups Save Money

Many homeowners try to save money in the short run by skipping tune-ups and basic maintenance.  Unfortunately, this can end up costing more in the long run.  It’s estimated that inefficient heating and cooling systems can increase utility bills by 10 percent or more, so a tune-up can lead to appreciable monthly savings.  Properly maintaining equipment can extend its life by several years, which means that regular heating system tune-ups also help owners avoid expensive repair or replacement costs.

Proper Maintenance Improves Safety

By having a regular heater tune-up and inspection, homeowners can prevent problems and catch potential dangers.  A damaged heater, for instance, can release carbon monoxide into the home, start a small fire, or cause other safety and health risks.  Homeowners can avoid these issues by regularly letting a professional look over the heating system.

Schedule Your Annual Tune-Up Today

It’s recommended that homeowners have their heaters tuned up or inspected once a year.  Fall is the perfect time to get the procedure out of the way; homeowners who wait until winter may struggle to find an available specialist and be forced to live with heater issues for days. Homeowners should call Robert B. Payne today at 540-373-5876 to schedule a seasonal tune-up appointment.

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  • Annual heating and air conditioning tune-ups
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