In order to avoid spending a lot of money on your HVAC unit, you will want to keep it maintained. Costly HVAC repairs can leave you broke and unhappy, as well. There is a variety of things you can do to avoid this from occurring and one of the largest ones is taking care of your unit.
Get a Tune-Up
Having a professional HVAC company come out and look at your unit annually is important to help avoid costly repairs. This will allow any small problem to be found and fixed before it turns into a large one.
Below are some of the things that will be checked during a maintenance visit:
Look for Changes
If your unit suddenly starts acting different or you hear unusual sounds emerging from it, you should have this checked immediately.
For instance, if your HVAC unit turns on and off too quickly, this can mean you motor may be going bad. Additionally, squeaking noises may indicate that you have a belt or fan that needs attention.
Contact Us!
At Robert B. Payne, we are HVAC experts and we know what it takes to keep your unit in excellent working condition so you can avoid costly repairs. Simply give us a call at 540-373-5876 today to schedule an appointment with us!