How Is Your Indoor Air Quality?
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How Is Your Indoor Air Quality?

Here at Robert B. Payne we have started to see that, as a society, people spend a lot of time and energy focusing on how to reduce pollutants in outdoor air. Although this is a good thing, it seems to be happening at the expense of focusing on indoor air quality.

What’s the Fuss About Indoor Air?

According to the EPA, most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, whether it is at home, work, or school. So as a health issue, the quality of indoor air is just as important, or more so, than outdoor air quality. The EPA also says that indoor air quality can be up to 5 times more polluted than some of the worst outdoor air. If your home or building has any of the following criteria, you should call Robert B. Payne to have an air filtering system installed:

  • Smokers present on a regular basis (whether or not they actually smoke inside the home or building.)
  • Located near field crops that are routinely dusted with pesticides, or other chemicals
  • Babies present
  • Asthma sufferers present
  • Immune compromised individuals present
  • Pets or other animals present
  • Wood stoves inside or in a nearby home
  • Dry dusty environments
  • Humid environments that may harbor mold spores and other microbial pollutants
  • Homes or businesses where respiratory illnesses are very frequent

Don’t Ignore Unseen Dangers

Good clean indoor air quality is so important for your family’s health and for your own health. Don’t put off having your one of our HVAC technicians come and evaluate the quality of your indoor air.

Call Robert B. Payne at 540-373-5876 today for any of our residential HVAC services.

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