Don’t Have Your Utility Bills Go Up and Down Like the Stock Market!
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Don’t have your utility bills go up and down like the stock market!

Everybody wants to save money these days.  Times are different and financial volatility has everybody on edge.  Take control of your utilities and save money by investing in a modern heating and air conditioning system.  People will make sure their television or dishwasher have an Energy Star rating, but let the biggest financial drain on their wallet continue to run year after year without a thought going towards replacing that worn out heating and air conditioning system.  There are also so many financing options available with approved credit with the purchase of a new system…you don’t need to have extra money just lying around to buy one!  Also, the tax credits are still in effect for qualifying systems.  Wouldn’t it be nice to buy a heat pump that actually blows warm air?  Sometimes you may not need a system to achieve savings; you may have a ductwork issue that needs to be addressed.

Our trained professionals get to the source of any issues you have and offer products and services on what you need, not things you don’t need.  Your heating and air conditioning system is like your body and has organs and parts that need to work together for your total home satisfaction.  We can analyze all this for you and develop a plan that meets your needs financially and makes your home comfortable.  Call us and get started today on improving the quality of life in a place that you spend most of your time…your home!

Wes McKoy

Service Manager

Robert B. Payne

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  • Annual heating and air conditioning tune-ups
  • 15% off parts, labor, and overtime costs
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