Why Does My House Get So Dusty? Where Does That Dust Come From? | Robert B. Payne Inc
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Why Does My House Get So Dusty? Where Does That Dust Come From?

No matter how clean you keep your house, it always seems to get dusty. You vacuum and dust every week, but the minute you turn your back the dust is back. It’s frustrating to constantly be wiping down surfaces and trying to keep things tidy when the dust just keeps coming back. So where does all that dust come from? In this article, we will explain where the dust in your house comes from, why it seems to be so hard to get rid of and how you can reduce it in your own home!

Why does my house get so dusty?

The answer to this question lies in understanding what dust actually is. Dust is made up of tiny particles of dirt, skin cells, hair, and other materials that are floating around in the air. When these particles settle on surfaces, they become visible as dust.

One of the main reasons why dust accumulates so quickly is because it is constantly being generated. In a single day, the average person sheds around 40,000 skin cells. That’s a lot of dust! Other sources of dust, like pollen and dirt, can come into the home through open doors and windows. Once these particles are inside, they can be difficult to remove.

Where does that come from?

There are many sources of dust in your home, including:

  • Skin cells and hair shed from occupants (human and animal) of the home. 
  • Dust mites, tiny creatures that thrive in warm, humid environments. 
  • Airborne particles from outside the home, including pollen, dirt, soot and smoke. 
  • Carpet fibers and other materials (fabrics like wool and cotton) that can become airborne when disturbed.

Why is Dust Terrible for Your Health?

Dust can be terrible for your health because it can contain harmful chemicals and particles that can cause respiratory problems. Inhaling too much dust can lead to difficulty breathing, coughing, and other respiratory illnesses. Dust is also a common trigger for allergies and asthma attacks. If you have asthma or allergies, it’s important to take steps to reduce the amount of dust in your home.

How to Prevent Dust From Forming in My House?

Here are a few easy and doable steps that you can take to prevent dust accumulation in your house:

  • Vacuuming, wiping down and dusting regularly 
  • Washing bedding and curtains often 
  • Using a humidifier or air purifier 
  • Avoiding clutter, which can provide places for dust to settle

By following these tips, you can help to reduce the amount of dust in your home and keep your environment a little bit cleaner. Remember, it’s important to be patient – dust will always accumulate over time, but by taking some simple steps you can minimize the amount of cleaning that needs to be done! Try these tips and see how they work for you. Your lungs will thank you!

Contact Robert B. Payne

One preventative measure to combat dust is having good air filtration that will clean your indoor air. Here at Robert B. Payne we are committed to helping you choose and install a good air filtration system to improve your air quality. Contact us at 540-373-5876 for a personalized consultation.

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